Interview with Santiago

question and answer

Santiago Bonet lends his insight below.

What is crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing – from ‘crowd’ (mass) and ‘sourcing’ (outsourcing) consists in outsourcing tasks traditionally carried out by an employee or subcontractor, to a large group of people or a community through an open call, usually in exchange for a reward.

When we think of social networks managed by companies, we usually think that the target is the final consumer. What is the recipient in the metal sector?
The metal sector accounts for 16% of regional GDP and refers to companies in the primary sectors of the economy, industry, commerce and metal services that manufacture and / or sell their products to other metal companies and many other sectors (B2B), and final consumers (B2C).

The relationships they have with other companies, employees, customers and suppliers, can take place through these new communication tools, as happened in their day with the appearance of the telephone, fax or later the email.

Many companies are resistant to having presence 2.0 on the Internet. What would you say to those responsible?

There is a belief that presence 2.0 is a waste of time and the return on investment is not clear. To avoid this biased view of reality, you can follow the steps:

1) Analyze what your competition is doing online, if it is the first of its sector / geographical area, take the opportunity, but imitate or collaborate.

2) Implement state-of-the-art web applications to truly relate to current and future clients, via web and email (1.0) and social networks (2.0). Complementary channels are each aimed at a different target audience.

3) Let the agents of change experiment. It is not about disqualifying or facing one generation (1.0) against the other (2.0), but to add the experience of one with the ideas and spirit TRANSPARENT and OPEN of the others, as a sign of confidence that the mix is ​​good for all of

As an ICT specialist, do you think that the tablet will revolutionize the way you consume publications and will lead to a quantitative leap in the race to bury the paper?

I think the natural evolution will be that gradually the paper will be replaced by a set of devices according to the place of use: computer screens at work, TV screens, tablets and ebook readers at home, smartphones on trips, etc. and at the same time these devices must respect author rights through micropayments so that said authors have the motivation to continue generating content in the future.

How is the entry into social networks when the company has no prior experience? What is it that we should never lose sight of?

The agent of change must be identified and trained to implement these new technologies, changing the processes involved to maintain that activity properly and to be able to perceive returns on the investment. We must never lose sight of the fact that this activity is not free, it requires a minimum and constant dedication.  Movers in Syracuse, NY must dedicate themselves to driving leads on Facebook to be successful.

Summarize the basic lines of your paper.

INNOVATION IS AN ATTITUDE as we already know according to many experts, and COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION IS A NECESSARY ATTITUDE in the current situation in a globalized environment where from all fronts they are demanding us to optimize resources, do not reinvent the wheel and cooperate.

In the paper we will present the results achieved through the Metal 2.0 Project (2008-2009) aimed at boosting the use of social web among companies, to reach the results achieved in the next phase of the project called Metal 2.0 Crowdsourcing Project (2010) , aimed at boosting the use of crowdsourcing in companies. All this in order to encourage other companies and organizations to help us transform their sectors and geographical areas, and why not, move forward together.

The project is based on an analysis of the state of the art, both at a scientific and business level, including exposing these preliminary results in a day, subsequent survey and then various pilot experiences in order to encourage the ice to break through the use of crowdsourcing. All summarized in a results report published in February 2011 and accessible at:

During the exhibition, all the results obtained in each of the project phases will be detailed, emphasizing that collaborative innovation or crowdsourcing is the next natural step to implement social networks in companies that can be summarized as: SHARE (1-communication and 2-conversation), COLLABORATE (3-collaboration) and EXPERIMENT (4-co-creation).

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